computers SANS 2024 Holiday Hack Challenge - Act 2 Continuing the challenge after the Prologue and Act 1 this set of challenges is set in the North Pole DMZ it seems. Mobile Analysis Eve Snowhoses has provided us with a debug and release version of an Android app called Santa Swipe for managing the Naughty/Nice List. The first
computers SANS 2024 Holiday Hack Challenge - Act 1 See my previous post for the Prologue. After departing the Geese Islands, we make our way back to the North Pole for some new challenges so help find Santa. cURLing The first part of this challenge is just some simple curl-foo that isn't too difficult. The man page
computers SANS 2024 Holiday Hack Challenge - Prologue If you aren't familiar, I highly suggest taking a look at the 2024 SANS Holiday Hack Challenge and the previous years as well. These challenges are so well put together and cover very modern and applicable topics in security. This year, the challenge is split into four time-released
computers SANS Holiday Hack 2018 I have to be honest, life is just too busy this year for me to actually write a full report in the context of the story. Suffice it to say, I really enjoyed this year's challenge, much better than last year in terms of not having to actually
sans SANS Holiday Hack 2017 - Wintered This year's Holiday Hack did not disappoint. Using vulnerabilities and attacks that dominated the headlines this year made the event even more fun.
sans SANS Holiday Hacking Challenge I was very excited to hear about this year's SANS Holiday Hack Challenge from a coworker. These challenges are a lot of fun and always a great way to learn some new skills. I have attempted a few such challenges in the past, but this is the first