computers Making My Server IPv6 Compatible I got a Reddit message from a user who is running a single stack IPv6 setup and was unable to access my website. I thought I had everything in order to make this work but apparently not. Thanks to this user for reaching out so I could fix the problem.
computers Air Force Network Research Homework Continuing my Air Force Training's Advanced Distance Learning I had to choose a network protocol from a list and do a short research assignment on the tool. I chose DNS. I got 10/10 on this while also getting to use a link to a friends DNS exfiltraiton
computers Update All The Things - MySQL Migration My Ghost installation recently informed me that an update was available. I usually try to take care of these as quickly as possible and have a little script the did all the updating for me. So I blindly kicked off my script and promptly bricked my Ghost install. Ghost Update
computers Air Force Training: Guided Research Assignment As part of my next round of Air Force Training's Advanced Distance Learning I had to chose a tool from a list and do a short research assignment on the tool. I chose Burp Suite. Here is what I wrote...seemed like a good idea of post something
adventure Hacking and Skydiving Well I was lucky enough to get to go to a Con (Conference) again this year. I went to DEFCON last year but this year decided to go to a smaller Con to see what that was like. Based on a co-worker's recommendation, I decided to go to
computers SANS SEC642 - Advanced Web App Penetration Testing I was just lucky enough for work to send me to a SANS course in Vegas (at Caesar's no less, where Caesar lives) because a member of our team had previously booked the course and then left the company. SANS has a great refund policy and would have
confluence Updating Confluence to Do Inline Code Highlighting So Confluence 6 supports two forms of code highlighting: * In line code formatting via the {{code}} syntax that formats the code in monospace but is not highlighted (transparent background) * A 'code block' that can be inserted with the {code} tag Unfortunately I have gotten used to (and enjoy)
ghost Confluence Server With NGINX Reverse Proxy It has been a while since my last post but I finally have something worthy of to set up Confluence Server using the same reverse proxy as my Ghost installation. If you are curious about that process, you can see it here []. As I
aviation Home Built Weather and Air Traffic Reciever (Stratux) I was finally able to get out and fly this weekend to test out my newest ADS-B IN receiver built from a Raspberry Pi. Now that I have tested it and have a nice screenshot of the info is provides (proof or it didn't happen right?
sans SANS Holiday Hacking Challenge I was very excited to hear about this year's SANS Holiday Hack Challenge from a coworker. These challenges are a lot of fun and always a great way to learn some new skills. I have attempted a few such challenges in the past, but this is the first
ghost Installing Ghost *OR* Why Every Site Should Be Encrypted I have been wanting to do a blog for a while for multiple reasons. 1. I a $200 hosting credit from work to do whatever I want with. 2. I enjoy writing and want an outlet to do a bit from time to time. 3. I think my opinion matters